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For decades,in this evolving world of computers.Life has been changed due to the evolution of the computer technology.Almost every work now has become automated.Many (I guess almost all) big organizations run only with the help of computers.

But for this computer to run, there is a vital software which makes this automation of everything possible.We call it as an Operating System.There are several producers in the field of Operating Systems, but in India, I feel that there is a monopoly of MICROSOFT WINDOWS existing, let me put up a scenario of an organization having about 40,000 employees who require a system (Personal Computer)to work on.Let us say that they require Vista Business Edition, which costs around $279.00 (13871.6253 Indian rupees)even an upgrade version would cost about Rs 9000.00 INR. Just imagine spending about 13000 rupees for each employees license. This would cost about Rs 554865012.00/-.Even after spending this much amount of money there are problems in the network connections, security,etc, and each and every software which are required are charged separately for each user.

Now let me tell u about our solution for this problem.Actually before getting into our idea.I would like to introduce our team called Indomitable Wizards to you.We are a team of four doing our II year(In 2008-2009 academic year) Engineering in the field of Information Technology.We have an idea to eliminate the cost spent by the organization on each user by virtualizing the Operating System.We think that, we can acheive this by using the cloud computing.

An organization is provided with a cloud space,which the organization distributes among its employees(User).The virtual OS is installed in the main server of the Organization.Each employee added or a new user created, a particular cloud space is allotted to him and a copy of the virtual OS is copied into his cloud space.Any changes done to the cloud effects all the user.Here in our idea, the personal computer of the user is used only for storing the user files.

As the user is under the influence that the Operating System is installed in his computer, this Operating System is called as Virtual Operating System.Due to this idea the cost incurred on each employee for his license is reduced. As a change done to the cloud is effecting all the system. The organization can have a uniform platform.Even Networking becomes easier.

This Virtual Operating System is similar like opening an email account as soon as you switch on your computer.As the future technology is all about wireless .This type of Operating System can provide a vital twist in the tale, and change the trend of the Operating Systems.

As an Initiative of this idea, we the Indomitable Wizards, have started to work on this project by developing a prototype(An Applet sort of thing)called VirGeniOS(Virtual Genius Operating System) for this project.For this we need suggestions of various experts who can provide us with the necessary pros and cons of this idea.

Hence criticism is mostly welcome, as this can lead to a fruitful idea and change the way in which the Operating Systems are today.Any criticism is welcomed as a comment to this post or can contact directly with the team members via email.

VirGeniOS Team Email address:


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