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Biometric Security is a security system that uses measurements of a person's physical characteristics that are difficult to abuse/tamper or evade countrary to old-fashioned password or document-based forms of identification.Some of the methods are:

Voice Recognition.
Face Recognition.
Iris Scan.
and many more......

Voice Recognition:

Image on voice reconition
Digitised voice prints that are made from a person's speech samples are stored on a "smart" credit-card or passport.This provides an extra level of security beyond the other biometric data already stored on the card's chip.

Face Recognition:

Image on Face recognition
a) A camera captures an image of a face in a crowd;
b) The system adjusts to compensate for the angle at which the photo is taken;
c) Numerical values are assigned to some of the 80 unique featuers to create a profile that can be checked against existing profiles.

Iris Scan:

Image of Iris
The features of the colored disc around each person's pupil are unique and cannot be altered without damaging the vision.
Security software uses a mathematical process called demodulation to turn these features into a digital ID code that can be checked against a copy stored in the database.


Image of a finger print
The inexpensive,widely available technology uses either a digital camera or an electric current to create an image of the distinctive features of a finger.
One drawback is that these systems can be defeated by a theif using a cast of the victim's fingerprint-or by a severed finger.


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