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Free chat widget @ ShoutMix mm.. It is my most favorite Operating System.Generally people try not to leave Microsoft and opt for an other operating systems.The main reason for this kind of approach in people is their unknowing love and affection for Mr Bill Gates.I must say that, he(Mr Bill Gates) with his excellent marketing skills brought a wonderful user friendly operating system when there was no operating system of that kind.Probably there was one operating system which was user friendly....but it was very unaffordable for the common man who work on computer's, and that operating system was Apple's Macintosh....At that time this was the only operating system that was some what user friendly....Mr Bill Gates then thought of developing a similar operating system which was more friendlier than Macintosh.He initially started his business with the launch of DOS(Disk Operating System)...which he bought from a seattle(A place in USA) hacker.This operating system was affordable by even a common man....hence this became more popular and got familiar with most of the people.....Then the revolution of GUI(Graphic User Interface) started.
Then Microsoft released its first Windows operating system named as Microsoft Windows 1.0 in 1985....this was followed by

Windows 2.0 in 1987
Windows 3.0 in 1990
Windows 3.1 in 1992
Windows NT 3.1 in 1993.
and so on.....and now presently released Windows Xp Service pack 3...after almost simultaneous release of Windows server 2008 and Windows Vista Service pack 1.

But presently the most famous and widely used Operating system of Windows is Microsoft Windows Service pack 2.As this is the most widely used operating system....naturally it'll have a negative impact on the society.Hackers are the main threat,then comes the viruses.
If someone knows an operating system well and identifies its pros and cons, then he can easily use it in a destructive manner!This is what happened with Windows.There is 90% probability that almost every system that has Windows is infected with virus in it.The virus may have come from the internet,from CD....and also from inserting a normal USB drive.This vulnerability to viruses generally makes common man to change his operating system from Windows to other.There are other reasons for an individual to change his operating but this is most common reason....
In the present day situation man expects to earn lot and lot of wealth from computer,but wishes to spend less on primary things related to computer's such as operating systems.And then if its free and naturally gains lot of attention and becomes popular......the live example is that of blogger itself......

and in case of Operating Systems its LINUX!!!!!!!!

So lets talk about LINUX now!!!!!!

Linux is a scale down operating system originally developed by a phenomenal extraordinary student of a University in Finland whose name is LINUS BENEDICT TORVALDS....Linux is now used in everything from PDAs,watches,PC's,consumer electronics , servers and supercomputers.
Beginning Linux was originally Minix ,an educational version of UNIX developed by Andrew Tannenbaum.As an interesting aside, we might be talking about Minix today if not for the licensing that Minix required.Few people have heard about Minix today, far less than have heard about Linux.

Early on ,Linux grew as a cheap UNIX that ran on intel-based PC equipment.At the time ,you could purchase UNIX for PC's,but at a high cost(as much as $1500 for a developer's version of interactive UNIX).Linux distributions technically,Linux is really just an OS kernal,produced under the direction of Linus Torvalds. But ,Linux usually comes with a set of utility,desktop, and server programs,including networking suites,web servers,file systems,compilers,and a whole lot more.For example ,Linux includes the XFree86 version of the XWindows system,the GNU C compiler GCC,and code from quite a lot of other sources.But to make things confusing,there's more than one version of Linux.

A number of organizations, commercial and some volunteer,collect together versions of all these programs with Linux Kernel, tests that everything work together and then release what is called the distribution of Linux....

The main Distributions include RedHat,Kondara MNU/linux,SUSE(Self CD-loading),Linux Mandrake;Lnnopix;Slackware......and the most important distribution of Linux to be mentioned is of UBUNTU.I personally recommend this because this is free and all you have to do is to register at the site and order a free cd to your home.....I am presently in Linux by UBUNTU.......

The Site where you have to register to get free CD is given below.....please do write your comments on this post...............

have your own copy of the CD and enjoy in LINUX......Let the future be ruled by LINUX!!!!!!!


  1. Spiharsh  

    Ya ur rite dude .LINUX is really cool.and i feet UBUNTU is the most user friedly one I've tried till now....

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