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The browser war is back on.This time Microsoft's opponent is Google, a familiar foe.On Tuesday i.e on September 2nd 2008,Google will release a free web browser called Chrome that company said would challenge Microsoft's Internet Explorer, as well as Firefox Browser.

The browser is a universal doorway to the internet, and the use of internet software and services is rapidly growing.Increasingly, the browser is also doorway to the web on mobile devices, widening the utility of web and web advertising.

Google analysts say say, cannot let Microsoft's dominant share of the browser market go without a direct challenge.Google already competes with Microsoft in online search and Internet Advertising.They both make operating software for cell-phones.Google is increasingly competing with Microsoft head-on in software that handles basic productivity like word processing spreadsheet, presentation and e-mail programs.Google has web based software in these markets that are low-cost or free alternatives to Microsoft's lucrative desktop software.
Google's Chrome

Despite the frequent clashes with Microsoft-including the role Google played in Thwarting an attempted acquisition of Yahoo-Google has come out only in search and search advertising.But Google does not have to win the browser war.Strategically , opening yet another front against Microsoft it to divert resources to defend franchises.

Now ,Chrome heightens the rivalry and marks a shift for Google ,which has strongly backed Firefox, the open source browser that has gained about a fifth of the market against the dominant Internet Explorer.


  1. yazid  

    most simply web browser...

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