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WiMax stands for 'Worldwide inter-operability for Microwave Access'.The term WiMax is named created by WiMAX forum to refer to its definition of 802.16. The WiMax technology supports datatransmission rates of upto 70Mbps with a range of upto 48Km, much faster than Wi-Fi. It ensures compatibility between differnt vendors' fixed-wireless broadband equipment to provide fast wireless data connections between fixed points over long distances.

How actually a WiMax Works

WiMax is the 802.16x specification for wireless metropolitan area network(WMAN), developed and promoted by the WiMax forum (Comprising industry like Intel,Nokia and AT&T), to standardise it universally , offered by IEEE, the de-facto body to authorise Wi-Fi standards globally ,WIMax will compliment Wi-Fi.

The WiMax signal could be sent as signal over a large area.The wireless signal would then be connected to a Wi-Fi box that would broadcast the signal to laptops and PDA's.


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