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Energy star 4 is an energy standard that adds value by making it easy for consumers to identify computers that are more energy energy efficient than conventional models.Energy star looks at the total AC power coming out of the wall at the system level, so that one need to look at the power supply, on board voltage regulator on the motherboard, peripherals like hard drives , and the chipsets processors.
The new requirements apply mainly to a PC's efficiency in idle mode, not how well it runs under maximum workload.

Energy star 4

Furthermore, desktops, low-end servers and gaming consoles must consume no more than2 watts of power in standby mode, or no more than 4 watts in sleeping mode.Notebooks and tablets must use no more than 1 watt in standby mode and no more than 1.7 watts in sleep mode.
The greatest demand for energy star approved PC's come from government and education customers, who can save the most money through reduced bills for thousands of PC's running through a four year life cycle


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