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Web 3.0 is sometimes called Semantic web, a term coined by Tim Berners Lee, the man who first invented World Wide Web(www).
Web 2 to 3

Web 2.0 came to describe almost any site, service,or technology that promoted sharing and collaboration right down to the net's grassroots as in blogs and wikis, tags and RSS feeds, and Flickr, MySpace and YouTube. Web 3.0 will have 4 main features like a semantic web, where a machine or robot can read a website or check our daily schedules; 3D Web - A virtual walk through unfamiliar places without leaving one's seat.

web 3.0

Media-centric Searches(beyond Keywords) understanding natural language queries or photos, and the Prevasive Web that's everywhere -on your PC, on your cellphone, on your clothes, jewelry, your kitchen , bathroom and office. HP, Yahoo and Radar Networks are going Semantic.

Google and Microsoft are moving 3D.,
are offering simple prototypes .Web 3.0 is here for sure.It has to be experienced!!!!


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