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Dual-Core refers to a CPU that includes two complete execution cores per physical processor.It combines two processors and their caches and cache controllers onto a single integrated circuit(silicon chip). It is basically two processors, (Dual core and Multi Core) in most cases, residing side-by-side on the same die.

Dual-Processor(DP) systems are those that contain two separate physical computer processors in the same chassis. In a Dual-Core configuration, an integrated circuit(IC) contains two complete computer processors.Usually, the two identical processors are manufactured so they reside side-by-side on the same die, each with its own path to the system front-side bus.


Multi-Core is somewhat of an expansion to dual-core technology and allows for more than two separate processors.

Dual-core Advantage:

A dual-core processor has many advantages especially for those looking to boost their system's multitasking computing power, Dual-core processors provide two complete executions cores instead of one, each with an independent interface to the front side bus.
Since each core has its own cache , the operating system has sufficient resources to handle intensive tasks in parallel, which provides a noticeable improvement to multitasking.

Complete optimizing for the dual-core processors require both the operating system and applications running on the computer to support a technology called thread-level parallelism. Hyper-Threading is a technology that enables running multiple demanding applications at the same time.


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