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The newest processor from the AMD stable, quad core Opteron , until recently codenamed 'Shanghai' , was launched in Bengaluru on Thursday, simultaniously with its global launch.and , in fact, much ahead of the launch date that AMD anounced earlier-Q1 of 2009.
Some 25 global computer OEM's are expected to offer Enterprise and small middle business customers system configuration based on the new processor by the end of the year.
Building on the strengths of the original quad-core Opteron processor, the new processor delivers upto 35% decrease in the power consumption at idle, when compared to the previous generation the company says,

AMD's 'Smart Fetch' technology can help reduce power consumption by allowing cores to enter a halt state during the processing idle times, with zero impact on application performance.It complements the company's CoolCore technology, which reduces power to unused section of each processor core to further reduce power consumption. AMD said its India Engineering centre in Bengaluru had led the design efforts for the processor along with a team in United States.


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