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Googleshare (also called mindshare) is one of the most powerful
approaches to have fun with mining the web for data, and answers.
Here’s how it works; when you enter a single term or phrase into
Google, you get a certain page count. For example, you enter “Rolling
Stones” as phrase search and Google tells you there are about
10,500,000 pages on the web containing this phrase. Now you combine
this query with one of the Rolling Stones singers, searching for:
“Rolling Stones” “Mick Jagger”

This results in 1,470,000 pages. The percentage the second value has in
relation to the first is its “googleshare.” So Mick Jagger has a
googleshare of 14% with the Rolling Stones. This is very high; Keith
Richards only has a Rolling Stones googleshare of 5%. This makes
Mick Jagger the most popular in the band. Peter Smith, on the other
hand, has a googleshare of only 0.006% with the Stones – because he’s
not a band member, of course.

Here are some more googleshare examples:

Full House:

Ashley Olsen 1.46%
John Stamos 1.07%
Bob Saget 1.04%
Mary-Kate Olsen 0.97%
Dave Coulier 0.58%
Jodie Sweetin 0.56%

Tom Cruise:

Nicole Kidman 20.80%
Katie Holmes 16.34%
Penelope Cruz 7.51%
Mimi Rogers 0.57%

source:-55 ways to have fun with google


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