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The basic goal of this tutorial is...

let me start with the basic requirements for this effect!!...

All u need is a stock image of a wall texture and photoshop (cs x) recommended.

This is a very easy effect to produce!!!

Step1 :

First start your photoshop application and then open your wall texture stock can get loads of such textures in Google!!!...just search for wall texture in Google Images!!!....
i've choosen my wall texture as the below given image!!!

It would be better if you choose a dark colored(preferably grey and rough) wall rather than a light colored one!!!!.....

Step 2:

Then after opening your Wall Texture..
Choose Horizontal Type tool and then write your desired text on your wall texture or you may even place your desired image if you wish in a new layer upon your wall texture!!!...

Step 3:

After you finish placing the image or writing your desired text on your texture!!!...
then set the blending mode of your text layer or your image layer to Overlay

Now your image should luk like this!!!

This is the basic idea of creating your own graffiti anywhere!! play with your imagination and enjoy photoshopping!!!

Bye for you with more tutorials in the time ahead!!!!!........


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